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Are you wondering whether or not you should hire a truck accident lawyer? This is why hiring an attorney is never a bad idea.

A normal car accident is a fairly everyday occurrence. 

Getting rear-ended or being involved in a minor fender-bender isn’t the sort of thing that often requires specialized legal advice. But a truck accident case is a different matter altogether, and this is where the services of a truck accident lawyer become indispensable. 

For one thing, any accident involving a large truck will likely entail serious damage and injuries—in 2020 alone, over 100,000 trucks were involved in injury crashes. For another, trucking companies have teams of lawyers whose sole purpose is to shift the blame and shield the companies from any liability. 

So let’s take a look at five of the major reasons why you should hire a truck accident attorney to handle your accident case. 

1. Insurance Companies Are Stingy

Everyone knows that the job of an insurance company is to pay as little as possible. 

Therefore, in the aftermath of an accident involving a truck, the insurance companies will assess information from the police reports and driver statements to determine who’s at fault, and assign compensation. 

In such cases, you shouldn’t sign any document from an insurance company offering such compensation. If you do, you’ll waive the right to file a truck accident lawsuit. Instead, hire a lawyer to look it over and consider what steps to take next. 

2. Trucking Companies Have Greater Resources Than You Do

There’s a big difference between a minor accident with another driver and one that involves a big rig. 

The trucking companies have deep pockets, and they also have expensive legal representation to ensure it stays that way. To fight this disparity, you need to hire an attorney who specializes in truck accidents and has the experience and resources to fight for you. 

3. There Might Be More to the Story Than Meets the Eye

It’s easy to assume that an accident is just that—a freak mishap that nothing could have prevented. 

But oftentimes there’s more to it than that. For instance, the truck driver might have been negligent in ways that are not immediately apparent. Or perhaps the trucking company failed to provide adequate training. Sometimes, things are not always as they seem, and this is where an experienced truck accident lawyer can help suss things out and find you the compensation you deserve. 

4. Let the Lawyer Handle It

The aftermath of an accident is a stressful time, and you have more important things to worry about. 

This is when insurance adjusters make their presence known, and many of them are quite good at tricking you into admitting fault, even if it’s untrue. But if you have a truck accident attorney on hand, just direct all the questions to them, and rest easy. 

5. A Truck Accident Lawyer Can Get You More Money

Finally, the most important reason to hire an attorney is to help you secure an appropriate compensation. 

Even if the insurance company offers to cover your medical expenses, they might be getting a bargain at that. There are other damages involved, including lost income, loss of employment, and even non-economic damages for emotional pain and suffering. 

These costs are tougher to assess than medical expenses, but they are no less important.  

Reach Out to Calhoun Meredith to Handle Your Truck Accident Case

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, then you know how traumatic these incidents can be. 

Your first move should be to speak with a truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. At Calhoun Meredith, we have an experienced team of world-class lawyers who are ready to go to work to find you the compensation you deserve. 

So contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our attorneys.

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