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Meta Description: Accidents involving cars and pedestrians are common with many resulting in severe injury or death. If you are a victim, read this article to know your options.

According to NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), children and seniors are significantly at risk for pedestrian accidents. One in every five children under 14 who died in a traffic accident is a pedestrian. Seniors account for 19 percent of all pedestrian fatalities annually. If you or a loved one is a pedestrian accident victim, get in touch with the Houston personal injury attorneys at Calhoun, Meredith, & Sims to get the legal help and compensation you deserve.

A pedestrian is any person on foot (running, walking, or jogging). When a motor vehicle hits a pedestrian, the incident is a pedestrian accident. Pedestrian accidents are typical in Texas and frequently result in severe injury, particularly at night and big cities like Houston.

what do i do if a car hits me while walking in houston?

Usual Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in Houston, Texas

Walking is a slice of everyday life, and in a city as vast as Houston, inhabitants find themselves on foot inside the city and in their communities.

The major streets in Houston let automobiles go to and from the expressways at a fast pace while missing safety features, including crosswalks. When carelessness is part of a motorist's driving, pedestrians are put in danger as they walk. The usual causes of pedestrian accidents in Houston include:

Distracted Driving

Any non-driving activity that moves your concentration from the road is distracted driving. These distractions could include texting, talking to a passenger, dropping something on the floor, attending to your children in the backseat, or using your GPS. When you are not driving utterly aware of your surroundings, pedestrian accidents could happen in seconds.

Aggressive, Speeding, or Reckless Driving

Going over the speed limit, aggressively bypassing other cars, or changing lanes to get in front of another driver could put pedestrians in danger. When your main goal is to be the first car moving on a green light, it is easy to disregard the individuals on foot, which is precisely how pedestrian accidents happen.

Drunk Driving

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 49 percent of all pedestrian traffic accidents are because of a drunk driver. When motorists are driving while intoxicated or high, pedestrians can get severely hurt or die.

Disobeying Traffic Signals & Signs

When drivers don't stop at stop signs, go through a red light, or fail to stop at flashing crosswalks, pedestrians get hurt as a result. Runners and walkers realize their lives depend on correctly following the signs and signals around Houston. When motorists do not share the same dedication to safety, pedestrians get injured. Most signs are of various colors with block letters or images, depicting various situations. When careless drivers fail to adhere to sign requirements, this could classify them as negligent drivers.

Backup Accidents

Drivers put their automobiles in reverse hundreds of times every week. Though many modern vehicles come equipped with backup cameras, most drivers are still neglectful checking their surroundings. Regardless of the reason for the distraction (text, phone call, or just not looking), pedestrians are being hit by automobiles exiting restaurants, malls, driveways, and parking lots in Houston, suffering life-altering injuries as a result.

Nobody should have to fear for their safety while walking in Houston. However, even the most attentive people on the street face the dangers of inattentive motorists not paying attention. If you have an injury in a pedestrian accident, our knowledgeable Houston car accident attorneys want to help you hold the responsible party accountable.

Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries

At some point, whether it is broad daylight or night, everyone is a pedestrian. Whether you are going from the office to your car, your vehicle to the mall, or walking your dog, walking in Houston, Texas, is risky. There are far too many dangers to pedestrians in the real world to mention.

Each year, over 120,000 people find themselves in a U.S. emergency room after being pedestrian accident victims. The common pedestrian accident injuries in Houston are:

  • Broken bones (facial bone, leg bone, etc.)
  • Organ damage
  • Emotional trauma
  • Joint injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Fractures (fibula fracture, sacrum fracture, etc.)
  • Severe scarring
  • Muscle damage 
  • Amputations
  • Disfigurement
  • Soft tissue injury
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Wrongful pedestrian death

When a large vehicle hits a pedestrian, their injuries may take months to heal. These injuries necessitate pricey medical care and lengthy time away from work, which could compromise someone's financial stability. There is also the possibility of future pain that needs to be addressed.

What Do I Do if a Car Hits Me While Walking in Houston?

If a driver hits you while you were walking, you should get compensation. This money consists of funds for all present and future medical costs related to your injuries. Also, payment includes lost wages if you missed time from your job. Your Houston personal injury lawyer might seek money for your pain and suffering too.

A careless motorist typically denies doing anything wrong. Insurance companies will attempt to restrict your compensation since it helps protect their profits. A negligent driver is required to pay for damages, even if through an automobile insurance policy. The minimum insurance policy limits vary by state and what is available through the carrier.

If a car hits you, you have plenty of questions.. You might be seriously hurt. You might not know what to do. You probably do not know where to start. Our experienced Houston law firm can investigate your car accident.

We know where to look for evidence of negligence, determining who is responsible for your accident. Our car accident lawyers build a solid legal case, negotiating with the reckless driver's insurance company for a settlement that satisfies your needs. If they won't deal, our legal team is prepared to battle for you in court.

street walk signal

There are steps that pedestrians could take to avoid being in an accident with an automobile, like walking on the green walk signal, never attempting to go in between moving vehicles, using crosswalks, and wearing light-colored clothing at night. Though, numerous crashes happen because the motorist was not paying attention while driving.

If you have been hit by a vehicle while running or walking (any type of foot traffic), you can file a lawsuit against the negligent driver who hit you. Taking the following steps will enhance your odds of recovery, allowing you to move forward with your life without the pressure of lost wages and unpaid medical bills looming over your head.

Immediately after you get hit, keeping a level head will help safeguard your rights and keep you safe. If you can, get out of the street into a safe place immediately. Next, take the following steps to help increase your possibility of recovery.

Call 911

If a car hits you, you must call 911 as soon as possible, whether the driver sticks around. It does not make a difference if your injuries are severe, minor, or non-existed. The police will have to investigate the accident. The police report may help in your case against the motorist. Make sure to find out where to obtain your traffic crash report as the insurance company may require it.

Get Medical Attention

Even if you feel your injuries are not severe, you should always see a medical professional after a pedestrian accident. You might have head trauma, internal bleeding, or a hidden wound that may not appear until later. If you are in shock, your adrenaline can cover any discomfort, making it possible to have severe damage and not realize it.

If possible, get witness information and talk to the police before going to the hospital. After receiving medical treatment, follow your doctor's orders and continue any necessary care.

Document Everything

If possible, take videos and pictures of the accident scene, including those of the car that hit you. Photos of the intersection or any obstacles could help reconstruct the accident.

Additionally, it would be best if you asked for contact information and insurance information from the driver. Check to see if any businesses in the area have video cameras, making a note of them. This information could be helpful to your attorney in the future. These cameras may be able to help catch a careless driver in the act.

After being in a pedestrian accident, you might be in shock. However, it would be best if you acted swiftly to safeguard your legal rights. Begin by retaining an experienced pedestrian accident attorney. Good legal help can help ensure that you are entirely protected and get the most compensation possible. Your attorney handles details like contacting the driver's insurance, collecting evidence, and investigating the claim. Your lawyer will also ensure to file the claim on time.

In some instances, it is not just the driver who was at fault. The city where the crash happened might have failed to have an appropriate sign to warn walkers or drivers. Also, business' signs blocking the driver's view could have been a reason for the accident. Your knowledgeable car accident lawyer will assess your case thoroughly to get the most significant possible recovery.

Sometimes an accident legal case that appears straightforward at first might become more complex over time. In these cases, having a skilled Houston personal injury lawyer helps to navigate any complications.

Call Our Houston Pedestrian Accident Lawyers for Your Free Consultation Today

If you have been hit by a car while running, jogging, or walking in Houston, contact our skilled Houston, Texas pedestrian accident lawyers today. You can schedule a free case review and learn more about how to defend your rights while going after the negligent party who caused your accident.

car about to hit pedestrian

You will need assistance dealing with the driver's insurance company, and our Houston personal injury lawyers will work endlessly to guarantee they do not take advantage of your damaged state. At Calhoun, Meredith, and Sims, we pursue excellent financial results for every client we represent, and our commitment includes you. Call us now to find out more.

Free Case Review
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