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personal injury claims

Millions of Americans are injured every day. These include workplace and home injuries, as well as more than 5 million car crashes every year.

When injuries result from the negligence of another person or business, the harmed party must seek compensation through the legal system. This entails filing personal injury claims, the outcomes of which are determined by courts of law.

Part of this process involves assessing and detailing “damages” that resulted from the injury. This is a complex process that requires extensive legal knowledge and expertise. Yet it is essential if you want to maximize compensation in your claim.

The good news is that, once you understand the types of damages you can seek, you will have a better idea of how to proceed with your Houston personal injury claim. Keep reading to find out more.

Types of Damages in Houston Personal Injury Claims

There are many types of damages related to personal injury claims. They each revolve around your case’s unique circumstances. Here are three main categories that will help you understand these possibilities.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are those that either cause you to lose income or cost you money. These include things like medical or rehabilitation bills, as well as vehicle or property repairs. They also include loss of wages, salary, or earning potential.

Economic damages can also include the cost of living with a disability or personalized care that results from the harm done. Funeral expenses also fall into this category in a wrongful death lawsuit.

Noneconomic Damages

In general, noneconomic damages are those that cannot be assigned a monetary value. They nonetheless negatively impact your life. These are generally categorized as “pain and suffering.”

Noneconomic damages include mental distress or loss of enjoyment in life. If your injuries result in loss of companionship or damage to your reputation, these too may be considered under noneconomic damages. Wrongful death is another category of noneconomic damages for which you can sue. 

It is easy to see how these are less tangible and more difficult to calculate than economic damages. An experienced attorney can help you make these calculations for your personal injury lawsuit.

Punitive Damages

The two categories above involve “compensatory” damages. These relate to the direct harm done to you, the claimant, and are meant to "compensate" you for your losses.

“Punitive” or “exemplary damages” are legal terms that do not relate to the direct harm but to the actions of the defendant. As the name suggests, they are meant to punish an individual or company for their behavior.

Punitive damages are generally awarded in cases involving egregious neglect or wrongdoing. Examples include malicious work practices or producing products that the company knows could hurt people.

Find the Best Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

Now that you understand the types of damages you can seek for Houston personal injury claims, you can move forward with your case. Remember that the best thing you can do is hire an experienced, competent personal injury attorney to help with your case.

At Calhoun Meredith, we understand the challenges of trying to navigate the nuances of the complex Texas legal system. We will use our many years of education and experience to help you accurately calculate and attain damages for your personal injury claim. Reach out to us today to schedule a free consultation.

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